Cranleigh - Abu Dhabi


Netball has always been a very strong sport at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi with numerous current pupils representing the capital netball academy. Many of our netball players go on to compete at University level. The courts are a hive of activity every afternoon, when more than 300 girls are either training or involved in a full programme of fixtures.

We run a total of 21 teams, including A-C teams across most age groups. "Sport for All" is a crucial part of our ethos, and we strive for meaningful competitive match play for all these teams. While most matches take place after school, some fixtures occur on weekends and include hosting teams from overseas to ensure the best opposition for our range of abilities.

Netball Fixtures and Results


Although netball is played by girls in Years 7-13 during Term 1 and by girls in Years 3-6 during Term 2, we also have development squads for under 9s and under 11s to ensure that every player can continue to improve.


The school features two indoor and five outdoor courts, all of which are surfaced to the highest specifications and centrally located across two sites within the main campus.


In addition to participating in inter-school matches, the top teams in all age groups compete in the ADISSA tournaments, BSME competitions, and invitational matches against visiting schools.

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Cranleigh Abu Dhabi

Cranleigh - Abu Dhabi