Youth Service Awards
Cranleigh - Abu Dhabi

Youth Service Awards

Cranleigh Abu Dhabi is proud to offer a range of external Youth Service programmes. These give our students the chance to take on the activities and challenges that interest them whilst helping others and making a difference in the wider community.


Photo of two girls part of browniesRainbows, Brownies and Guides are on offer to pupils as part of British Girlguiding Overseas - a worldwide programme which promotes self-confidence and helps build long-lasting friendships.

The programme entails girls working together to learn new hobbies, get creative, explore other cultures and have adventures. As well as trying new activities, the girls are encouraged to shape their own programme and work towards earning badges in areas they want to know more about.

Duke of Edinburgh International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It has inspired millions of young people since its launch over 60 years ago. 

The Award is all about young people setting their own personal challenges and pushing personal boundaries. It provides opportunities for students to develop new skills, get physically active, give service to the community and experience adventure. 

Young people who participate in the Award become more confident and resilient, and develop skills in areas such as communication, problem-solving and leadership. It also allows their achievements to be consistently recognised worldwide, giving unique international accreditation for CVs or university applications.

Our pupils take pride in using The Award to help build the Cranleigh Community. Physically, students contribute to school sports teams, using their training and matches to feed in to both The Award and the Sports department. Voluntary work sees pupils pioneering eco-clubs, supporting the library, helping Pre-Prep with reading or coaching Prep School sports teams. 

Adventurous Journeys to Ras Al Khaimah are always a highlight of the year. Working in teams of 6 or 7, participants practice and then execute journeys with a purpose. These have included evaluating human impact on the rural environment, noting the wildlife of our most northern Emirate, creating videos to help guide future pupils and even a re-staging of key scenes of ‘Romeo & Juliet’ in a mountainous setting. 

To find out more information, click here.

Sports Leaders

Sports Leaders is a qualification designed to use sport and physical activity to help young people develop and hone their leadership skills whilst helping themselves and others stay active. 

Sports Leadership uses sport and physical activity to help young people develop vital communication, organisation and leadership skills whilst working towards formally recognised qualifications. Students who complete Sports Leadership qualifications have increased social and academic confidence and increased employability.

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Cranleigh - Abu Dhabi